Hightech und Blech


Nach einer Woche mit Trump dürfte es wohl keine Zweifel mehr geben. Wir haben ein Problem.

Like many of you, I’m concerned about the impact of the recent executive orders signed by President Trump.

We need to keep this country safe, but we should do that by focusing on people who actually pose a threat.

We should also keep our doors open to refugees and those who need help.

That said, I was glad to hear President Trump say he’s going to ‘work something out’ for Dreamers — immigrants who were brought to this country at a young age by their parents…over the next few weeks I’ll be working with our team at FWD.us to find ways we can help.

I’m also glad the President believes our country should continue to benefit from ‘people of great talent coming into the country.’

We are a nation of immigrants, and we all benefit when the best and brightest from around the world can live, work and contribute here.