
Cell-Malör: Aufgeblasene Akkus

»Gizmodo«-Leser Mike schreibt, dass neulich der Akku in seinem MacBook Pro anschwoll:

»I own a 17inch Macbook pro (not core 2 duo) and I recently had one of the cells on my battery balloon to about twice the normal size. The cell forced the cover of the battery to pop off. I took the battery to the Apple store today to have it replaced and they seemed in a hurry to get it out of public view so as my ›genius‹ went to get the replacement I took some photos…The Apple nerds said they had never seen anything like it.«

Ist dies vielleicht das typische Akku-Verhalten kurz bevor sie einem um die Ohren fliegen?

Die (nicht ganz so gestochen scharfen) Fotos vom Akku-Malör finden sich hier.

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